If you need emergency assistance in the United States, call Suicide Prevention at (800) 273-8255 or the Veterans Crisis Line at (855) 238-5745. Otherwise call 911 or your local emergency number.

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State of the Union Address

A lot of newscasters and critics are calling "The State of the Union" a Reality Show, or made for TV show. The reality of the show was it showed not only to Americans and in other countries. Anyone any where in the world with internet access could view it. The Presidents accomplishments and honored guests were survivor's, heroes, grief stricken relatives. There were many comments about the President's wife giving Rush Limbaugh, His award. And the promotion of the 100 Year old Tuskgee Airman to general and his grandsons dream to one day join the newly created Space Command. Remember this is Black History month and if you were to take a few minutes and quit criticizing our president for his choices and look up general McGee's service record you will see his star was long over due. The president showed the world a small view of all the trials and tribulations our people go through along with their strength to accept and conquer adversity when possible...
I'm not ashamed to say I was in tears many times during the broadcast.
I am a 61 year old Disabled USAF Veteran with bipolar disorder and PTSD.  I love our country and I loved the State of The Union Address!
P.S. For all of you "Butt Hurt" people in the media industry most of you wouldn't make a pimple on Rush's ass. Thank you and God Bless America!
Stanley Victor Paskavich

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