If you need emergency assistance in the United States, call Suicide Prevention at (800) 273-8255 or the Veterans Crisis Line at (855) 238-5745. Otherwise call 911 or your local emergency number.

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Micro to Macro

Micro to Macro

When we emerge into this reality through the birth canal and we take our first breath we begin dying.

As we are taken home from the hospital we leave trace elements behind us. Some are atoms and others are pieces of our DNA found in the skin cells and body excretions we leave behind. Ever since that moment of birth there is a fine trail of our essence left behind.

It's left behind every where you go like a snake trail in the sand. What happens with these minute items that were once part of our being? Could atoms that once were part of your make up become part of another person’s make up?

And if they do do they retain memory? If they do retain a form of memory and you and the person that was the origin of the atoms you absorbed were to ever meet, could there actually be a sense of familarity there?

Currently I am alive and my atoms for the most part are compressed into this mass we call a body. But when I die acording to science there are 7 billion billion billion atoms in a normal human body. So at my point of death and the atoms and elements comprised of them start expanding and returning to the source in which they came.

Could a new incarnation of a human being absorb some of my atoms?

As I stated before if atoms can retain memory, can this new incarnation later on have sensations of past life experiences or déjà vu as many call it? Many speak of old souls, or kindred spirits, twin flames or soul mates. To me an old soul perhaps would be an incarnation comprised of much knowledge of past experiences, not contained in the mind yet contained in the sub atomic particles from combinations of past experiences.

The age of souls is an interesting arena, because if all energy was made at the same time wouldn't all souls be the same age? Souls are energy right?

Okay I'm sure someone will care to differ with me and say they've never proven a soul actually exists. I guess that depends on how you define a soul.

One of my quotes is, “Energy defines life not flesh and blood we are infinite energies experiencing infinity through a finite aperture.” Not contained in the mind yet contained in the sub atomic particles from combinations of past experiences, at times you will see anomolies where recessive genes come into play and you'll have a giant.

What about giant thoughts? Socrates said, “One cannot be taught anything they can only be refreshed on what they have always known.”

Well here I go with atoms again, since we live in infinity and on this planet when you breath in air which is an element and made of atoms and molecules two hundred and fifty millions years ago dinasours were breathing out the same atoms you breath in.

Okay for some I've probably lost you by now and your ready to go watch the game and some commercials on tv. For those with an open mind that love to ponder as I do, please read on...

In nature we are always talking about birds and insects and such that have an inert sense to follow the paths of their former species, as in the case of migration among other things. “Remember that fine trail I discussed that we leave when we enter this reality?” Is this embedded in their minds or does it go even deeper into the atoms and molecules?

I was having a conversation with a friend once and he said that he read “ninety eight percent of our atoms change out every year.” I said, “So within that two percent is there the supposed twenty one grams that they say is the weight of the soul?”

I love science, it allows me to wonder!

In life most look to the heavens and stars and generally the large or grand for the answers. Personally I look to the minute in which all of it began, as I believe Carl Sagan said I could be wrong but the quote was “We're all star stuff.” But then again arises a question: if we came from the stars and it's where the origin of life began by things from outer space landing on Earth, what happens to the atoms and molecules and such that we send into space after we've sent things out of our atmosphere. Could we actually be starting a catalyst some where to create new life from them? Or on the other hand could it end up destroying an existing life form some time in the future?

This is a combination of discussions I had the other night with my friend Bhogaraju V Subrahmanyam from India and my friend Mr. Hales over the years.

Stanley Victor Paskavich


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