If you need emergency assistance in the United States, call Suicide Prevention at (800) 273-8255 or the Veterans Crisis Line at (855) 238-5745. Otherwise call 911 or your local emergency number.

For my personal views dealing with suicide which I have called SE (Self Execution) please read and share my book if you believe it can help others. Download The Survivor's Guide to Self Execution right now!

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Quotes by Stanley Victor Paskavich

It never hurts to clean the slate and move on. Forgiveness comes from within, right?

Live, Learn, Love, Leave. That’s the simplest meaning of life. {010} 0 = Energy 1 = Incarnation 0 = Energy. That’s the code of life as I see it and where it stops is up to your mind...

When all we see is reflected light waves off what we call reality, we have never seen reality. Einstein’s right. Reality is merely an illusion.

All the religions, sciences and powers of the world boil down to one simple truth: The best storyteller will win in the end!

Total enlightenment is vision without purpose.

I guess you can tell as a writer I am not a purfektshionist.

I’ve never been with a woman that said, “And how does that make you feel,” that wasn’t holding a clip board.

I like my psychiatrist. She’s kind, caring, and compassionate, but what woman wouldn’t be for over a hundred dollars an hour?

Time for something chipper and fun. Name this tune! (Dum) (Dum) (De Dum) (DA De Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum)

Hopefully one day wars will only be fought in movies and may the best producer win.

Quests are best if they lead to rest.

The problem with a Unitarian church group or religion is there’s no “you” in unity!

It’s not whose name is chiseled on your headstone, it’s whose name you leave carved in humanity’s heart and on their lips, that leaves your mark.

Eating potatoes at a Chinese restaurant is like going to a movie and reading a book, it’s just wrong.

I don’t want to see God or Jesus when I lay on my death bed. I want a delicious meal to be the last thought that goes through my head.

You could play “Taps” on a Jew’s harp and I’d still cry...

I’ll probably end up like most people: lying on my deathbed and still looking for Jesus, and yes I checked my sock drawer...

A coin has two sides as they say, but if not for the third one it can’t roll away.

Man divided the rising and setting sun, to pay exact wages when the work was done.

You can tell by the callous on my right middle finger, from the pain of writing in school which now does linger.


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