God doesn’t need helpers. Serve the children of the world if you want to please Him.
If you need emergency assistance in the United States, call Suicide Prevention at (800) 273-8255 or the Veterans Crisis Line at (855) 238-5745. Otherwise call 911 or your local emergency number.
For my personal views dealing with suicide which I have called SE (Self Execution) please read and share my book if you believe it can help others. Download The Survivor's Guide to Self Execution right now!
This is a specially formatted version of the Survivor's Guide for PDF readers so you can read it on almost any device. Check your app store for a free PDF reader.
It is also available in paperback at Amazon.com. Buy one for a friend (especially one without a computer or cell phone!).
There I was, standing perfectly still,
not in a valley, neither a hill,
not in an ocean or near a stream,
yet my stillness felt so serene.
There was no earth, there was...
I'm just a puppet with no strings of my own,
trapped in this world feeling often alone.
Each step I take seems like I've taken it before,
I have question after question...
My internal pain causes my tears to fall like rain from what once a fulfilling life.
Now whats left for me is pain and agony and a world that's full of strife.
The pain I have within...
How often have you wished you could get free,
From your Depression and Anxiety?
With your mind swinging to and fro
wondering when the next time its evil face...
When you leave the military scene
with your duffel bag and DD 214
Uncertainty generally pounds on your chest
when you're no longer employed and your mind is...
When you leave the military scene
with your duffel bag and DD 214
Uncertainty generally pounds on your chest
when you're no longer employed and your mind is...
It can trigger your adrenaline
and make you feel like you'll explode from within.
It will leave a bookmark in your mind
that certain triggers allow you to find....
If Jesus was a poet what would he write?
Would it be about sinners or a starry night?
Would he write about Satan and his evil ways?
and the steps to take to...
Twenty Two
First went the uniform they were so proud of
second they were cast out from most whom they loved.
Then came poverty which made the alleys and streets their...
I realize what you teach,
and what you believe.
Yet possibly we are both Masters.
I find energy in my own beliefs
as you find energy in yours.
I care...
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