The needles they poke you with leaves a hole that closes in, but unkind words can make a hole that will never mend.
If you need emergency assistance in the United States, call Suicide Prevention at (800) 273-8255 or the Veterans Crisis Line at (855) 238-5745. Otherwise call 911 or your local emergency number.
For my personal views dealing with suicide which I have called SE (Self Execution) please read and share my book if you believe it can help others. Download The Survivor's Guide to Self Execution right now!
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It is also available in paperback at Buy one for a friend (especially one without a computer or cell phone!).
Should I write couplets, double rhymes, or free verse?
I think the poem should decide without a lyrical nurse.
So many try to force each word and every letter,
these are the...
This is a story I've never told,
it's about my albino pink eyed toad.
One day I found him under a log,
I'd never seen a pure white frog.
So I...
I'll grant you your wish,
it will be like the wind,
it will go where it goes,
but you can't wish again.
I just took a bath,
I feel so squeaky clean.
But, when I looked in the tub,
there was a lime green ring.
"Where did this come from?
Why is this green ring here,"...
What is a psychic made of
I'll tell you it's not love.
It's pain and grief and lots of frustration,
and total chaos from isolation.
Their friends and their family think...
Many years back when the whips did crack
and the poor slaves broke their back
There was always one or two white men with a whip,
In charge of the slaves with it on their...
A Blacksmith, Goldsmith a Silversmith and me,
try to share helpful things for humanity.
Some call me a Wordsmith, some call me a quack,
some say my poems are to merely attack....
Astrologers, pathologists, and seekers of time,
mystical mesmerists without any rhyme,
hopeful theologists and ministers of nay,
living by a book, all play by play....
My mind is my kingdom, the Earth is my home.
My body is healthy, yet I often roam.
The sun is exploding in nuclear bliss.
The moon goes through quarters and the stars it does...
Everything is gone, you’re the last on the earth.
Could you leave a message that had future worth?
In this message you choose to do, or do not,
would you talk about what you...
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