I’ve admired a lot of people in my lifetime and some of them were actually alive.
If you need emergency assistance in the United States, call Suicide Prevention at (800) 273-8255 or the Veterans Crisis Line at (855) 238-5745. Otherwise call 911 or your local emergency number.
For my personal views dealing with suicide which I have called SE (Self Execution) please read and share my book if you believe it can help others. Download The Survivor's Guide to Self Execution right now!
This is a specially formatted version of the Survivor's Guide for PDF readers so you can read it on almost any device. Check your app store for a free PDF reader.
It is also available in paperback at Amazon.com. Buy one for a friend (especially one without a computer or cell phone!).
Sunny Day
Rainbows and Butterflies
warm summer days and clear blue skies.
Laughter sailing in the wind
children's eyes and heart felt grins.
These are the best days to find,
they never leave your heart and mind.
Happiness spawns from within
it's put there from our life and friends.
Although at times dark skies and rain appear.
It stalls our joy and dulls our cheer.
Yet without the rain that falls
Then flowers grow from natures call.
After the clouds and rain go away
The world smiles on a Sunny day...
Stanley Victor Paskavich/Stantasyland
March 8 2017
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