If you need emergency assistance in the United States, call Suicide Prevention at (800) 273-8255 or the Veterans Crisis Line at (855) 238-5745. Otherwise call 911 or your local emergency number.

For my personal views dealing with suicide which I have called SE (Self Execution) please read and share my book if you believe it can help others. Download The Survivor's Guide to Self Execution right now!

This is a specially formatted version of the Survivor's Guide for PDF readers so you can read it on almost any device. Check your app store for a free PDF reader.

It is also available in paperback at Amazon.com. Buy one for a friend (especially one without a computer or cell phone!).

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I haven't been doing well had umbilical hernia repair about six weeks ago now have to go back in the nursing home Wed. I'll be in there 5-6 week I have an open wound that didn't heal and they will be taking care of it. Taking my laptop with me so I can work on my website and add a lot of my poems. Take care all of you and thanks for visiting my site.

Lets see how far your mind can stretch

Jack Frost

How many times in your life have you seen all the beautiful patterns frost creates on your windows? They can range to any design from a floral bouquet to dozens of daggers.  Yet I wonder if there is more behind this mastery could it be more of a mystery? Could the frost actually be forming in a particular design that displays the emotional environment behind all the windows?

Day 3 National Poetry Month here in America

I've met a lot of new friends on the net in the past few days. Disabled Veterans, Veterans people afflicted with Bipolar and PTSD. One thing I'd like to say the names of the demons we live with are similar yet the way it effects us individually is a whole nother story. To all of you that visit my creations here remember writing has been my release for over 16 years. Words have became my friend...

Take care and be well


It's National Poetry Month!

Please browse my things and feel free to share anything you wish to anyone you want especially if you believe they will bring someone a little joy....

It's that time of year

Well here we go again winters almost over and April is national poetry month. Feel free to pick a poem and send it to a freind or a loved one, wait a friend or a loved one. That's a pecuilar statment now that I look at. A friend or a loved one, does that imply you only love your loved ones and fdriends don't quantify for love. Maybe I should just say "please share anything you find here with those you love." There I feel better already. Well see you around enjoy those April showers and May flowers...


The Pain Train

Wrote a new poem last night (The Pain Train) in my images remember anything you find on here you can share anywhere you like...


Haven't been here in quite a while for those of you who don't know SSDD stands for Same Shit Different Day. I'm still on medication for PTSD and Bipolar disorder and probably will be for life.

I continue to write new poems as concepts pop in my mind.

If you care to contact me you can join me on facebook look for Stanley Victor Paskavich.

I have people finding my poems and quotes, from all over the world.

Many send me friends requests on facebook.

Unfriended Friends ( A place to share)

If you use Facebook take a look at the page Unfriended Friends. You might meet a group of true friends...

Micro to Macro

Micro to Macro

When we emerge into this reality through the birth canal and we take our first breath we begin dying.

As we are taken home from the hospital we leave trace elements behind us. Some are atoms and others are pieces of our DNA found in the skin cells and body excretions we leave behind. Ever since that moment of birth there is a fine trail of our essence left behind.

This books a great read...

For you readers here's a dark fantasy tale it's in paperback and kindle. The story is fascinating I highly recommend it.



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